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Respecting Your Child’s Choices


A parent’s primary goal is to seek the best for their child – in every aspect. Parents do what they can to prepare and guide their children in achieving what is good for them. For the inexperienced child, this is the supervision they need. After all, they are young and have not seen the world.

But as your child ages, they have accumulated experiences that shape their opinions and perspectives. As such, they start to make their own choices – catching the parent off guard who was used to making those choices.

Instead of shutting their decisions down, it is wise to give them a say. Even when the decision seems childish in the parent’s eye, showing respect and interest in what they think can open doors to dialogue and understanding. This simple act sets an example for the child.

There are decisions appropriate to be made based on the child’s age. From their choice of clothing, a preferred snack, or who their friends could be, giving them the say also gives them responsibility.

To ensure their safety, you can set rules and limitations. Some things can be decided by the child but certainly, there are decisions requiring an adult’s consent. Carefully explain the impact of the decisions they make. As they grow, they continue to practice what you have taught.

Do you need a Child Care Center in Irving, Texas?

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